Lose Weight and Improve Your Sex Life

People generally say they want to lose weight so that they look better or so that they feel more energetic. But did you know that an improved sex life is another benefit of weight loss?

Here are some reasons why men and women both benefit sexually from weight loss:

• Men and women both suffer from lowered self-esteem when they look in the mirror and don’t see what they like. While it’s important to work on improving self-esteem HOWEVER YOU LOOK, it’s also important to try and work towards an improved self-perception by working on what bothers you about your body. And for many people this means losing weight. Damaged self-esteem can dramatically affect your sex life. Men and women both claim that confidence is a key feature when it comes to the attractiveness of their partner, so it’s important to work towards loving your body, so you can allow others to love your body as well.
• Viagra is often bought by men who are overweight. Carrying around excess body weight can affect virility. Overweight and obese people are more likely to experience erectile dysfunction and encounter problems with fertility (this applies to women too). Sexual dysfunction and fertility problems can also be related to poor diet. If you encounter these issues, it could be a nutritional deficiency or that you’re just eating too much junk for your body to perform as it should. Men who lower their body weight often no longer need to buy Viagra from their, and women who lose weight can fix a fertility problem.
• It takes energy to spice up a sex life. And sometimes people need to lose weight in order to achieve the desired energy level. Try working out more during the day to boost your endurance. The longer you can run on a treadmill, the longer you’ll be able to go in bed!
High blood pressure and pregnancy seem to go hand in hand for many women, especially if they have a problem with  to begin with. Sometimes there’s no explanation for hypertension during pregnancy, but usually it’s brought on by carrying around extra weight (i.e. the baby inside you) and stress and anxiety that can sometimes become elevated during pregnancy.

You can to help lower blood pressure (so long as it’s approved for use by pregnant women), or you can follow a healthy pregnancy-safe diet specially designed for pregnant women with hypertension.

The diet includes:

1. First and foremost, reduce your sodium intake. While salt has no affect on a person with normal blood pressure, for someone with hypertension salt can be fatal. Buy unseasoned foods and season with salt-free mixtures, like Mrs. Dash and other heart-friendly shakes. Avoid foods like hot dogs and other processed meats that are packed with sodium.

2. Eat lots of fruits and veggies (unsalted).

3. Eat foods that are rich in antioxidants, like acai berries, blueberries, and green and white teas.

This article was written by Cynthia Bond, a dietician and nutritionist who specializes in  and exercise online drugstore.

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