The Pregnancy Hypertension Diet

High blood pressure and pregnancy seem to go hand in hand for many women, especially if they have a problem with  to begin with. Sometimes there’s no explanation for hypertension during pregnancy, but usually it’s brought on by carrying around extra weight (i.e. the baby inside you) and stress and anxiety that can sometimes become elevated during pregnancy.

You can to help lower blood pressure (so long as it’s approved for use by pregnant women), or you can follow a healthy pregnancy-safe diet specially designed for pregnant women with hypertension.

The diet includes:

1. First and foremost, reduce your sodium intake. While salt has no affect on a person with normal blood pressure, for someone with hypertension salt can be fatal. Buy unseasoned foods and season with salt-free mixtures, like Mrs. Dash and other heart-friendly shakes. Avoid foods like hot dogs and other processed meats that are packed with sodium.

2. Eat lots of fruits and veggies (unsalted).

3. Eat foods that are rich in antioxidants, like acai berries, blueberries, and green and white teas.

4. Send a message of health to your heart by consuming omega-3 fatty acids. Many foods are now fortified with omega-3, but your best source will come from fresh salmon, flaxseeds, and nuts.

5. Increase your potassium intake. Eat bananas and sweet potatoes for a healthy dose.

6. Boost calcium to keep your blood pressure down.

7. Try and limit weight gain since the addition of weight could mean an even further increase in blood pressure. Do this by cutting excessively fatty and sugary foods and by exercising.

8. Do low-impact aerobics to burn calories and improve heart health.

This article was written by Cynthia Bond, a dietician and nutritionist who specializes in  and drugstore

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