Web design

Many people can recognize a great design on web but most of them do not really know what contributes a great design? A good design is a foundation of a great website. You website speaks about the brand you sell and the standard you maintain. There are few essentials that you need to keep in mind when choosing a great web site design or template.

1. Proximity – Different items are in proximity to one another and must be grouped in one unit. Laying different items this way in a website assist your eye relates the information and allows the viewer to categorize the information quickly. Also, the items that are not related to one another must not be kept in close proximity to each other. The main purpose of the proximity principle is that is to categorize the information in a way that viewers are able to comprehend it easily and quickly. Organized information is more likely to be responded and read. Also it is easier for your audience to remember the organized information quickly.

2. Alignment: The layout of a website is where its graphic and text are placed. No content should be placed abruptly. The items must be aligned in a way to create a visual connection so that it adds cohesiveness that can be appreciated by the users.  The aim of alignment is to unify the page of the website. A well organized and aligned website makes it easier for a user to find different sections and read the useful content mentioned under them.

3. Repetition – Good website design repeats a particular aspect throughout the website. The repetitions make different pages in the website look similar. A graphic element, color scheme, typefaces, all these elements should be used and repeated throughout.

4. Contrast:  Contrast makes an organizational hierarchy of the graphics and information on a website. The contrast used in a website must be effective and strong. It should show the real colors of the template and make it appear clear to the customers. The contrast catches interest in the website and organizes information. A webpage that is attractive is more probable to be read. The contrasting elements will assist a reader to know the way in which the information is being organized. The contrast for a website can be created anyway. You can contrast small type font with a large type, light with bold, smooth with strong texture, a large graphic with a small one and a light with a dark one.

A web design template following these principles will gain professionalism automatically. Choosing a good and attractive web template for your website is very important. If your website is not attractive enough, you will not be able to hold the customers and hence will not generate sufficient profit through it. A great web design template made by professionals helps in adding magic and exclusiveness to your website. A website following basics of designing is always appreciated and gets a better response from customers.

Emma Stone is the author of this article on Web design  Buy and Sell Website Templates . Find more information about  psd here.

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