Lose Weight Safely with Diet Pills

You’ve got two choices: You can go on a very strict short-term diet, where you’ll lose weight quick, but then when the diet ends you’ll likely gain the weight back. Or you can change your eating and activity habits and embrace a long-term lifestyle of health that will help you lose weight slower, but will […]

The Pregnancy Diet

You want to lose weight but you just found out you’re pregnant. Well, the bad news is that now is not the time to work on weight loss. The good news? You don’t need to gain more than 15 pounds during your pregnancy. If you are overweight to begin with, then the recommended weight gain […]

Pregnancy Powerfoods

The best way to stay within a healthy weight range during your pregnancy and to provide the optimal resting place for your little princess-to-be (or prince, of course), is to eat the right foods. Sure you can follow a list of „Do Not Eat” foods, but that’s just so…negative. It’s better to stay positive and […]