Chicago nannies simply provide childcare

kidNannies, who interact with children on a consistent basis, are an excellent resource for improving a child’s developmental skills. A Chicago babysitter can help children create arts and crafts, which help to develop fine motor skills, imagination, critical thinking, and creativity. A nanny can also help children to develop gross motor skills by utilizing the outdoors to play sports, run, climb, and explore. Additionally, a nanny can read to the children consistently, and work with them on learning academics such as reading, writing, math, science, and many other subjects.

For household duties, it is important to consider how much time the babysitter should spend interacting with the children and how much time he or she should devote to clean up and other home duties. It is important to take into consideration the ages of the children. Smaller children will require much more of the babysitter’s time, while older children will most likely occupy themselves during certain periods so the nanny can focus on other duties. Chicago nannies can perform a range of duties from the simple clean up of any messes made during the parent’s absence to ironing, kitchen clean up, light housework, or heavy cleaning such as mopping, laundry, and vacuuming.

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