How to learn polish language

„Polish for foreigners” is an audio course for foreigners who want to start learning Polish on their own. Listening to the CD will provide enough practice to learn the basics of the Polish language, doing the additional exercises is not essential. Every lesson provides you with words, phrases and dialogues referring to the topic. At the end of each lesson you will find questions or exercises, enabling you to practise the acquired knowledge at once.

Thanks to our audio course you can discover new ways of learning a foreign language. First and foremost, you should listen carefully to the words, sentences and dialogues and try to pronounce them as the Polish (also see the japanese („japonski „in polish) ) speaker does. Although you may find Polish a bit difficult at first, your pronunciation will improve with every exercise. The scenes and dialogues are prepared to enrich the students’ vocabulary in an active way and to teach phrases typical for spoken Polish. We recommend you learn the dialogues by heart!

We encourage you as well to become acquainted with this booklet, which will enable you to become familiar with Polish spelling. It will prove especially useful for visual input.

At the end of every lesson you can find an exercise which lets you practise newly acquired phrases. You are expected to answer the questions in Polish. Naturally, you should try to use as many new phrases as is possible. If you have problems with formulating your own answer, please listen to the lesson once again. You may compare your responses with the example answers, which can be found at the end of this booklet.

We advise you to listen to the CD for a few weeks after having finished all the exercises. We hope that with the help of our audio course you will soon understand Polish and be able to communicate in typical everyday situations. We wish you succes in learning Polish!

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